Wednesday, April 26, 2006


It has been quite a week, busy with work and all. After a nice and calming weekend in which I attended two parties, Monday felt like payback for an enjoyable weekend.

At Saturday's party, I actually met C (a/k/a "Secret Squirrel Agent 000"), an incredibly smart and wonderful person and her husband (a very, very smart guy). We had a fascinating conversation on the crossroads of economics and psychology, the "rationality" of consumers and meditation. You know, your typical New York conversation.

I had a blast at the party and so told S. It was a lot of fun. I met one of S's friends, a very nice chap, handsome, engaging, funny and slightly giddy. He was very kind and prepared me a drink and we started a conversation and throughout the evening continued bumping into each other and talking. He seemed like a nice guy, the type I might (may) pursue. The one if is that he does not live in New York. I have always thought that long-distance romantic relationships are difficult. Then again, I thought tattoos were unattractive (and dated a person who had one and found it so sexy). I guess I will just try not to think too much or overanalyze as I tend to do. Maybe my therapist will have some insight.

As for M.I., we had brunch on Saturday and all is back to normal, thankfully. He is even telling me about a guy he likes and his sort of dating. I do the same.

Back to work.


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