Monday, October 09, 2006

The Guy 5 - Coffee

I had coffee with the guy this evening, a sort of vent what you will meeting. So, after talking and asking him why he would decide at dinner on Saturday to wrap his arm around me, hold my hand, rub my leg and, essentially, put on this show with this couple we were having dinner with, his response was "I don't know". Men just need to grow the fuck up and take responsbility for their actions. And not accept or allow their "date they are no longer interested in" to pay for their dinner when they have known for some weeks they are not interested in that person.

So, he basically said that although I was smart, funny, handsome, generous, nice, decent, etc., he couldn't get himself to feel attracted to me because I do not have a gym body, i.e., six pack abs and a rock hard body.

I basically told him I found this to be shallow, extremely superficial and something he would have, or should have, realized by our second or third date. Not two and a half months after dating.

At the end, he came by my apartment to pick up a sweatshirt and then offered to be friends. I guess he didn't understand it when I told him that I found his superficiality to be disturbing to me.


1 comment:

tim said...

A gym body as a barometer of compatability... I hate shallow people. I really do. I know that this may be something you don't want to hear right now but would you really want to be around someone who would base his relationship on "six pack abs"? Six pack abs require not eating. And who wants to be around that type of person?