Friday, October 14, 2005

Ain't that the truth

The following article entitled "Poll: Americans becoming ruder in hurry-up world" was published on Friday, October 14, 2005 and Posted at 3:10 p.m. EDT (19:10 GMT) on, and isn't it the truth. (I would post the article itself here, but due to copyright/copywrong, I am unable to do so). Perhaps in the microcosm of New York City, the veracity of this article is heightened. Urbania has eaten away at our considerations of appropriate behavior (both in public and in the home), and it is depressing.

People speaking loudly on their cellphones in the most inappropriate of places (the elevator, a coffee shop, a store) and forcing innocent bystanders to partake in their banal conversations; individuals incapable of saying 'thank you' and 'excuse me' left and right; rude women devoid of femininity; men lacking basic gentlemanly skills. It is all appalling, but what is perhaps even more atrocious is the fact that nobody notices anymore, everybody just seems to accept this etiquette-vacuum with no remorse.

Politeness and civility require effort and conscientious devotion. I think it would be a better city if people dedicated some portion of their gray matter to them.



tim said...

People dedicating gray matter to anything is no longer the norm. It's a please me, please me kinda world. Unfortunately.

Gareth said...

Look on the bright side, you could be in London . A city full of feral kids in hoodies.