Thursday, September 21, 2006


Sunday I saw two spectacular movies. Somehow, I never saw The Color Purple. Back when it came out I was young(er) and it didn't really call out to me. That was unfortunate. But Sunday, I was overwhelmed. And it made me love Whoopi even more.

I also saw My Life Without Me, about a young wife and mother who is diagnosed with a terminal illness and given a few months to live. The main character makes all the necessary arrangements prior to her impending death and decides to do those things she feels she should have done, but never had an opportunity to do. Perhaps not a novel story-line, granted, but it was quite moving nonetheless.


1 comment:

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

"My Life Without Me" was surprisingly good, wasn't it? I heard of it because of Debbie Harry's role in it (as the mother), but I was impressed with the lead actress. I think I read she's a star in Canada but I don't think I've seen her in anything else.