Sunday, July 10, 2005

Honesty, is it the best policy?

On Thursday, I was completely fed up with M.I.'s lack of communication/interaction. So I wrote this to him:

Hey M.I.,
I tried to reach you, I have some really cool news I would like to share with you.
In any event, I also want to ask you what's up. It appears to me that you aren't interested in hanging out or dating or a friendship and for the sake of clarity I would like to know if that is in fact the case. I don't mean to be a pester, but I feel I'm not off the mark here, I feel like I am the lowest of priorities (not to say I expect to be the highest one, but feeling like the last sort of sucks). I would have preferred to talk (as opposed to e-mail), but, in any event, have always preferred directness as opposed to beating around the bush. If you are pursuing other interests, or have no interest in me or desire to hang out or maintain a semblance of a friendship, I'd appreciate it if you would say so. Clarity and honesty are always much appreciated. ...
I think you are a great guy, very smart, articulate and handsome and have enjoyed getting to know you, but if it is time to withdraw, I'll take the queue, just say so.
I don't mean to be dramatic, I really hate that. Just hope you understand I'm wanting clarity.
Take care,

To which I received a response with the "it isn't you, in a jam, talk later response". He called and said that we would try to do something on Saturday. Well, Saturday came and went and no call. Men suck. With an e-mail like that, why can't a person respond and say, "gee, thanks, but you know, I am not interested". Is saying that too offensive? Or do we prefer a cowardly stance? I am befuddled.


1 comment:

newplanet said...

Honestly, that is just the worst thing. I dated a guy like that for a while, and he never ever did admit he didn't want to see me any more. Eventually I stopped chasing. But it still hurt like hell.

Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.