Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Never Allow Someone To Be Your Priority While You Remain Their Option


tim said...


Todd HellsKitchen said...

Where'd ya go?

teahouse said...

That's kind of freaky..I read that same quote yesterday for the first time in my life. And today I read it on your blog..coincidence?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to find the source for this quote. Anybody know?

Lavi Soloway said...

I just read that quote, and then I thought about the last five times I've been guilty of same. Now I'm pondering whether I should give up going on "coffee" dates with people I have "met" on line, and whether my next date is a priority/option event. Oh, and if my next date is somehow reading this, please don't take it the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

the quote is by - Jace Schnyder